Sausage Salad

There's the healthy salad and there's the not so healthy salad, the latter being a lot more fun. But overall, if you have a higher ratio of greens and veges to outnumber your not so healthy ingredient, it is still alright huh? 

There are salads with ham, bacon, crispy deep fried chicken, sausages and a whole lot of other stuff that would make your nutritionist or cardiologist cringe. Like my very own sausage salad. German Black Pepper Sausage to be precise. The only good word I can put in for these fellas are that they are low sodium and msg-free.

You see, they were the only convenient protein available in my fridge last Saturday. I had leftover romaine, Japanese cucumbers and tomatoes. I was already feeling hungry at 4pm and that was after an early lunch with my younger brother. We had Bak Kut Teh at Kelana Jaya. The portion size for 2 persons was quite small and I made a mental note to ask for 3 persons portion the next time we go there. Yes, I come from a family of big eaters. By the way, The BKT was very good. I almost snorted with delight when I had my first mouthful of pork belly with onion rice. Oinks!

Back to salad. I made a simple dressing and set it aside. I took two sausages and sliced them thickly. These went into a hot pan to cook and brown. The rest was easy - wash and drain the romaine, tear them to pieces and slice the cucumbers, tomatoes and cucumber. And another ingredient that I like is onions. Yes, that's me, Madam Onion Breath. When I eat satay, I must have raw onions. really makes the satay especially beef and mutton satay taste even better. 

When the sausages were done, all that I had to do was put them together with the veggies and toss with the dressing. If you are wicked, take a little bit of the oil from the pan and mix into your dressing. And there you have it, my sausage salad. It made for a very hearty dinner indeed!

Sausage Salad
Recipe source : Phong Hong
Note : The dressing is for one serving. I leave the amount of salad ingredients to you, ok?

Ingredients :
- Romaine, torn into bite sized pieces
- Tomato, cut into wedges
- Cucumber, sliced
- Carrot, sliced thinly or grated
- Big onion, thinly sliced (if you like onions)
- Sausages, cut into 1/2 inch pieces and pan fried till brown

For the dressing :
- 1 big clove of garlic
- 1/2 tsp peppercorns
- 1/2 tsp sea salt
- 4 tablespoons red wine vinegar
- 1 teaspoon honey
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

To make the dressing :
1. Using a mortar and pestle, pound garlic, peppercorns and salt till fine.
2. Add red wine vinegar, honey and olive oil. Stir to mix.

To assemble salad :
1. In a mixing bowl, add all your vegetables and sausages.
2. Drizzle dressing all over the ingredients and toss.
3. Serve immediately.

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