Best Rempeyek Ever

No, I don't have a recipe for rempeyek and neither do I know how rempeyek is made. On Wednesday, as I was walking along the footpath between UOB Bank and Alliance Bank, Damansara Uptown, I saw a group of boys promoting and giving out free samples of rempeyek. Funny thing is, I do not usually accept free food samples and I was not exactly crazy about rempeyek , but somehow I took a piece.

Crunch! Crunch! It was crispy and very fresh and it was the best rempeyek I ever tasted. I know I am supposed to be on a diet but after buying my lunch, I heard the rempeyek calling out to me loud and clear hah! hah! So what did I do? I pusing balik (turned around) and walked back  to buy the rempeyek. The nice young chap recognised me and offered me another piece (rezeki jangan ditolak) which I happily accepted.

I bought 2 packets at RM15.00 each. Each packet contains 50 pieces (Phong Hong!!!) of rempeyek. You can also buy the smaller packet with 25 pieces and it costs RM10.00 per packet. There are two varieties of rempeyek i.e peanut or dhall. The sample I tried was with peanut. I was given a flyer and noted that this rempeyek is called Secret Rempeyek. I guess it's a secret recipe and I was really impressed with the taste.

The suppliers take delivery orders and if you buy five packets and above, delivery is free of charge. For those of you residing in KL and Selangor you can call Zab at (017) 369-4364 or Jack at (017) 244-8797 to order.

This is not a paid post. I am just sharing this information in case there are any of you who love rempeyek and want to taste a really good one :)

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