Pumpkin Latta Martini

Happy day after Halloween!  Happy Anniversary to my husband too!  Last night seems to have gone by so fast.....too fast actually.  We had a fun day yesterday which started off with our second son's (now I get why bloggers give their children code names in their posts, it's much easier to type SS for second son or SC for second child or whatever code you want instead of  typing out the entire words each and every time you want to mention them) Halloween parade at school.  The girls got all dressed up to walk him to school and watch the parade.  After school we came home and made these witch hat treats which the kids enjoyed making.

Our SS (just trying it out to see how it feels.......yup, feels good) has decided that in his 9 years of age, he is officially too old to dress up and go trick or treating.  Period.  End of story.  He did however allow me to spray paint his hair and wore an eye mask as well, but that is as far as it went.  A couple friends (Mike & Angie) came over to have dinner and celebrate with us.  Angie passed out candy with SS and her husband hit the pavement with my husband  the girls and I.  The girls totally scored with way too much candy and were knocked out as their heads hit their pillows.  All in all, it was a great night.

Before we ate I decided to make my Oh So Yummy Pumpkin Cake Martini's for Angie and I to enjoy.  Only problem was that I didn't have enough cake vodka (gasp, what is wrong with The Cocktail Lady??).  Instead I grabbed another vodka and gave it a shake.  

Let me warn you, your very first sip will taste pumpkin pie spicy for sure....maybe a bit too much for your taste, but DO NOT let that stop you!  These martinis are a little TOO good, they go down a little TOO easy, wow......just wow.  As we were sipping them we decided that the name had to reflect the cocktail and since they tasted a whole lot like pumpkin pie spices, we decided to add latta in the name.  I do know that these cocktails will be made many, upon many more times in this household.  

Here is my own recipe for a Pumpkin Latta Martini:

  • 1 1/2 ounces pumpkin pie vodka
  • 1 1/2 ounces pumpkin pie liqueur
  • 3/4 ounces milk
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a martini glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

I hope you all had a safe but fun Halloween.


The Cocktail Lady

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