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Day 352

3.5 shots out of 5

Oh Friday how I have waited for you all week long!  In two days we get to sit in front of our TV and watch our San Francisco Forty Niners play in the Super Bowl!  I'm very very excited to watch the game!  I need to make sure all of our Niner gear is washed and ready to go for the big game.  Win or loose, we are very proud of our guys!  What a great season!!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  I received and email from Matt telling me about a new cocktail he had recently tried.  I will say that when I started this blog, if you would have told me to mix gin and Chambord I would have given you a look of "Are you kidding me?".  Now when I read the recipe that Matt sent me I thought, "WOW, that sounds interesting, I can't wait to try it!".  I am glad you sent this one in Matt, at first the lemon is kind of the only thing I taste and I have to say that I do NOT mean that in a bad way at all!  Some of these cocktails I have made have too much lemon juice in them and I honestly can't finish them.  This cocktail is different.  If you allow yourself to inhale the smell of the Chambord while sipping it, it makes it quite interesting.  If you do try this cocktail, please let me know what you think about it.

Here is the recipe for a Bramble:

  • 1 oz gin
  • 1 oz Chambord
  • 1 oz lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz simple syrup
In a cocktail glass filled 3/4 with ice, pour in all of your ingredients.  Stir them up very well.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the end result:

Thank You Matt for sending me this recipe!


The Cocktail Lady

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