Summertime Breeze

Day 360

Summertime Breeze
5 shots out of 5

It's Saturday!  It is a beautiful day out which makes me long for the summer.  Since it is such a nice day I decided to create a nice cocktail to go along with it.  When I am done with today's blog I am going to make another one and go sit out in the backyard and enjoy it.

I gave today's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  Boy is this a refreshing cocktail.  The lemonade and peach puree go SO well together it's amazing!  The scary thing about it is the fact that I do not taste the alcohol inside of!  This would be a good cocktail to have at a summer barbecue for sure.  It's a really amazing color to which in my eyes makes it taste that much better as well.  Even though I only have 6 more cocktails to go after today to complete my year, I am not stopping there.  I won't be posting each and every day, but I will still be here so if you have any favorite cocktail recipes that you would like me to try, please send them into me.

Here is my recipe for Summertime Breeze:

  • 1 oz rum
  • 1 oz peach puree
  • 1 oz lemonade
  • 1/4 oz grenadine
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and dump everything into a short cocktail glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to another scrumptious self-created cocktail!


The Cocktail Lady

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