Spiced Pumpkin

Day 251

Spiced Pumpkin
3 shots out of 5

The Giants win the Penant.  The Giants win the Penant.  The Giants win the Penant.  Way to go San Francisco Giants!!  Now we're onto the World Series!  I have a bet on my facebook page with my cousin (a Tigers Fan) that the loosing team (the Tigers) will have to change their profile picture to the winning teams (the Giants) logo/picture for a week!  Game on cousin, Game ON!!

I gave tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5.  It's a pretty good cocktail.  Nothing as extremely exciting as my Pumpkin Pie Martini by far, but it's not a horrible cocktail either.  This cocktail sits somewhere in the middle of it all, .5 above the middle to be exact.  This cocktail asks for cinnamon sugar to rim the martini glass with......don't have any, so I mixed the two ingredients together and made my own.  This cocktail has an OK flavor where nothing jumps out at me when I sip it.  I will still continue to look for more cocktails using the Pumpkin Pie vodka.....there doesn't seem to be too many out there yet (as this is a new flavor), but I will continue to look.  Oh and check out what I got at Bev Mo today here, which doesn't include the new martini glass I got since I made tonight's cocktail in it.

Here is the recipe for tonight's cocktail:

  • 2 oz Pinnacle Pumpkin Pie Vodka
  • 1 oz Irish Cream Liqueur
  • 1/4 oz half & half (or half milk and half cream like I did)
  • cinnamon sugar to rim your martini glass with
Rim your martini glass with cinnamon sugar.  In your shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above except for the cinnamon sugar.  Shake it up well and strain it into your cinnamon sugar rimmed martini glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to a new flavor of vodka for Pinnacle!  I hope to find many yummy cocktails to make with it.


The Cocktail Lady

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