Golden Cadillac

Happy Wednesday everyone!  Today is a hot one.  Yes it is November 13th, but it sure is a hot one.  It seems that flowers, allergies and our poor wardrobes don't know what to do these past few weeks.  I have already packed away the girls tank tops and shorts, am still arguing with the boys that we need to pack away theirs until Spring (I think I am loosing that battle) and want nothing more then to bundle up with my big jacket, gloves and scarf when I go out.........but the weather just doesn't seem to want to allow me to.

All of that seems like a good enough excuse to make a cocktail, right?  Right.  I have had a pin on my Cocktail board for a Creme Brulee Martini that I have wanted to try and just haven't yet.  I went to the site that had it posted, Science of Drink and found that there were actually two cocktails posted there.  Being the good Cocktail Lady I am, I decided to try them both in the order they are listed.  Today, I make the Golden Cadillac.  Next will be the Creme Brulee Martini.

The first, foremost and really only flavor that I am really tasting right now is the Galliano.  Galliano has a flavor all of it's own, but it is one that I would prefer to take a back seat in the flavoring of my cocktails.  That being said, I will not be making this cocktail again.....unless I used 1/3 - 1/2 the amount of Galliano.  I would like to taste a bit more of the creme de cacao personally.

Here is the recipe for a Golden Cadillac:

  • 1 ounce Galliano
  • 1 ounce white creme de cacao
  • 1 ounce cream
In a cocktail shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a cocktail glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is to the week being half over and our 4/4 turning 3 years old tomorrow!!


The Cocktail Lady

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