Corn Fried Rice

Last Wednesday, I was caught in very heavy rain. It was almost 5pm when I had to go to Citylink to courier a document to a client in Penang. Citylink is within walking distance from my office. Before I went out, I took a peep out my office window and realised that the sky was getting dark. It looked like it was going to rain. I brought my umbrella along as my Uncle once told me "If you bring your umbrella, it won't rain. But if you don't, it will."

I quickly made my way to the courier company and had to walk past the construction site. Ugh! Messy, messy and it was quiet difficult to cross the road. And to make things worse, I stepped on something and it poked right through my slippers. Ouch! But luckily I was not hurt. I made a mental note not to pass by there again which meant that I had to go back to office the longer way.

Once I settled the document, I made my way back. As I reached the shophouse on the other side, the rain came pouring down. So much for my Uncle's advise, this time it did rain. And the rain was relentless, with strong winds, thunder and lightning. I had no choice but to wait for the rain to hopefully stop. No point walking in the storm as my umbrella would be of little help.

I walked a little bit further up the shophouse and stood outside a coffee shop. There were a few stalls that were already starting their evening business. I happened to stand quite close to a stall selling fried rice and noodles. I always love observing the hawkers in action in particular how they flip their frying pan to toss the fried rice. I don't even have the strength to lift my wok with one hand hah! hah! 

The hawker was already taking orders for fried rice and I watched him as his assistant helped him by portioning out the rice. The fried rice smelt good, lots of "wok hei" aroma and I was very tempted to "tapau" a packet home. But just as well I didn't as it would have got wet on my way back to office. It was already past 6:00pm and the rain just went on and on. I had no choice but to brave the rain with my rickety umbrella. Wow, the wind was very strong and my umbrella couldn't protect me from the rain. I was drenched. I had to make a few stops along the way as the rain got heavier. I saw a lady whose umbrella flipped due to the strong wind.

Anyway, I managed to make my way back to office safely, but all drenched. My partner was very concerned about me as I had just recovered from the flu. When we got home he made sure that I quickly changed into dry clothes.

Well, since I missed the fried rice I decided why not fry some myself? I had an ear of corn in the fridge, it would be a great addition to the fried rice. I also had some homemade roasted pork (recipe to share later) in the freezer. I made the fried rice during the weekend of course, as I don't have time to cook on weekdays. And how did it turn out? I loved it but of course I can't beat the hawker or restaurant fried rice as it was very much missing the "wok hei" aroma. I can't jolly well turn up the fire at maximum volume and start flipping the pan - I'll make a huge mess and worse, burn down the kitchen. Can't have that happening hah! hah!

I'm not putting down the measurements for the ingredients as I pretty much chuck stuff into my wok. Most of you are better cooks than I am and you can easily figure out how much of the ingredients to use.

Corn Fried Rice
Recipe source : Phong Hong

Ingredients :
- Cooked rice, preferably overnight rice
- Roasted meat, diced
- Prawns, shelled and deveined
- Fresh corn kernels
- Long beans, finely sliced
- Onions, finely minced
- Garlic, finely minced
- Cooking oil for frying

Seasoning :
- Light soya sauce
- Dark soya sauce
- A little bit of sesame oil
- A good dash of pepper

Method :
1. Heat oil in wok.
2. Saute onions until translucent and add garlic.
3. Continue to saute until garlic is slightly browned.
4. Add prawns and fry until prawn changes colour.
5. Add diced roasted meat and corn. Stir to mix.
6. Add cooked rice and stir fry, making sure the rice grains separate and are well mixed with other ingredients.
7. Add seasoning. Stir the ingredients to evenly distribute the seasoning.
8. Add long beans, continue to fry until rice grains are fairly dry and heated through.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Esther of Copycake Kitchen.

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