Irish Car Bomb

Irish Car Bomb
5 shots out of 5

With St. Patrick's Day vastly approaching, I thought it would be a good time to give you a new "Irish" cocktail to add to the list of possible drinks for Sunday.  Last year on St. Patrick's Day we went out to celebrate a friends birthday.  We started the night with a pre-party here by having a few cocktails as well as some jello shots (not a good idea for me).  This year, I promise, I will not be drinking even a fraction of the amount I drank last year.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  Before anyone says "Hey, that's not how you make an Irish Car Bomb", let me just tell you, that's how we make them at our house.  I totally get that a more "traditional" way to do is is to fill the shot glass half way with Bailey's and then float the other half with Irish Whiskey.  We like it the way I made it here and that is why I wanted to share our way with you.  This is a delicious, fun cocktail to drink.......but let me warn you of the correct way to drink it.  Once your pour your beer in the glass and drop your shot into it, your one MAIN goal is to CHUG THAT PUPPY DOWN faster then you've EVER chugged down a beer before. Why?  Ha ha, well let me tell you.  The longer the Bailey's sits in your beer (and believe me it won't take long) the more it curdles.......yes I said curdles.  My advice to you is to drink it all as fast as you can with your eyes closed so that you really have no clue what's going on inside your glass.

Here is our recipe for an Irish Car Bomb:

  • 1 can Guinness stout
  • 1 1/2 oz Bailey's Irish Cream
In a tall glass, pour your beer down the side to minimize your amount of foam.  Fill up your shot glass with Baileys.  Hold your beer in your preferred drinking hand and with your other hand drop in your shot glass that is filled with Baileys.  IMMEDIATELY chug your cocktail!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to St. Patrick's Day!  A day where drinking is smiled upon!!


The Cocktail Lady

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