Corned Beef Omelette with Cherry Tomatoes and Basil

My earliest memory of corned beef was my grandma's corned beef omelette and corned beef sandwich. Grandma used to fry the omelette with lots of onions and some red chillies. Simple and good. As for the sandwich filling, simply mince lots of shallots and mix it into the corned beef with a good squeeze of lime juice. To me, it is so delicious.

When I open up a can of corned beef, I usually empty the contents into a container and roughly slice it while it is still soft. Once refrigerated, it will harden and having it in slices makes it easy for me to portion it out. I had two slices leftover during a weekend and decided to change grandma's recipe a little bit.

I know big onions is a must for flavour and sweetness and to that I added cherry tomatoes, green chillies and Italian Basil. I usually use red onions but this time I decided to try Bombay  onions after seeing Suituapui use it in his recipe here. And oh, I also put one big portobello mushroom into the omelette.

I have made this omelette previously but without the mushroom and instead of Italian Basil, I used our local daun Selasih. Also I used red onions. As far as I am concerned, I prefer red onion as it has a stronger aroma and taste. And I prefer daun Selasih as it is milder than the Italian variety.

This version with mushrooms, Bombay onions and Italian Basil. I may have put too much basil :)

This version without mushrooms and with red onions, green chillies and daun selasih. I prefer this one.

I also added a slice of cheese this time round. I am not good at flipping omelettes and I just folded it over when it was almost set. For added flavor, I garnished with extra basil and cherry tomatoes when serving. It made for a very satisfying meal.

Corned Beef Omelette with Cherry Tomatoes and Basil
Recipe source : Phong Hong
Ingredients :
- 4 eggs, beaten
- Corned beef (as much as you like)
- 1 big onion, sliced
- a handful of cherry tomatoes
- 1 portobello mushroom, sliced
- Some black pepper
- Basil leaves (as many as you like)
- 1 slice of Cheddar cheese
- Oil for frying

Method :
- Heat oil in pan and saute the onions until wilted.
- Add corned beef, break it up and mix with the onions.
- Even out the mixture on the pan and pour in beaten eggs.
- Put in the cherry tomatoes.
- Add a dash of black pepper.
- When the omelette is almost set, put in cheese and scatter basil leaves on top.
- Fold the omelette over and continue to cook until fully set.
- Dish out and garnish with sliced cucumbers and more basil leaves.
- Serve with white rice or bread.

This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids.

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