Korma Daging Perlis (Perlis Beef Korma)

This is not a visually appealing dish. Looks like something that came up from the swamp. Hence the impromptu carved chillies. Trying to sex it up a bit didn't help much. It was all grey and blah. The picture in the cookbook was pretty though, a nice orangey and warm colour. I wonder where did I go wrong. But taste wise, ah...it was anything but dull. It was aromatic and tasty. The sort of dish that would pair well with Nasi Minyak or Nasi Tomato. Or just plain white rice. And a nice tangy acar.

The only deviation from the recipe was I omitted the grated coconut from the blended spice paste. This was simply because I couldn't get grated coconut from Jusco (It's actually  now known as Aeon but I like the old name). And I must gripe about something here. Jusco, not the recipe. I noted that when I walk in just after 10:00am (they open at 10:00am) on Saturday or Sunday (I like to shop early to avoid the crowd), the perishable section is not fully stocked up yet.

At 10:20am, that's the time when the staff would start wheeling out the huge carts to replenish the stock. By 10:30 to 10:45am the crowd would have built up and we would be jostling with fellow shoppers and the stock carts. It can get really clumsy and uncomfortable. And I would imagine it would be uncomfortable for the staff too, trying to do their job while customers keep poking in and out grabbing stuff. If you want to ensure that the shelves are properly stocked up, don't go too early. Go after 11:00am when it is so crowded and uncomfortable to shop. This is what I can't understand. Aren't the shelves supposed to be stocked up before they open for business? Malaysia Boleh!

Back to the beef korma. Not a difficult dish to cook. Just marinate the beef slices with the spice paste, then saute shallots, garlic and ginger with the dry spices. When fragrant, add marinated beef, coconut milk and simmer away.

Korma Daging Perlis (Perlis Beef Korma)
Recipe source : Rasa Malaysia by Betty Saw (page 241)(Bahasa Malaysia Edition)

Ingredients :
- 600g beef
- 3 tablespoons korma powder
- 125ml cooking oil
- 250ml thick santan
- 1 liter thin santan
- 1 piece asam gelugur
- 2 big onions, peeled and cut onto quarters
- 1.5 teaspoon salt (or to taste)

Blended Spice Paste :
- 10 shallots
- 5 cloves garlic
- 2.5cm lengkuas
- 2.5cm ginger
- 1.25cm tumeric
- 1 teaspoon black peppercorns
- 4 tablespoons grated coconut

Ingredients to be sauteed :
- 4 shallots, finely sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, finely sliced
- 2.5cm ginger, finely sliced

Dry spices :
- 3 star anise
- 3 cloves
- 1.25cm cinnamon 

Method :
- Slice beef thinly.
- Marinate beef with korma powder and blended ingredients for 15 minutes.
- Heat oil in a pan and saute sliced shallots, garlic, ginger and dry spices until fragrant.
- Add marinated beef and fry for a few minutes.
- Add thin santan and asam gelugur.
- Simmer until beef is tender.
- Add big onions and salt.
- Add thick santan and simmer for another 5 minutes.

Beef marinated in blended spice paste.
Ingredients to saute.
Fry the beef before adding coconut milk.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest, Kedah and Perlis Month hosted by WendyinKK of Table for 2.....or More.

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