Orange Fluff

Day 238

Orange Fluff
4 shots out of 5

The week is half way done.  The Giants have won Game 4 of the playoffs.  What a great way to start the last half of the week..........wait........A's just won too!!  Looks like both of our Bay Area teams are going to Game 5!  What a great day!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  The marshmallow vodka gives this cocktail a nice creamy taste.  There is still a good bite from the vodka itself, but the marshmallow does mellow it out a bit.  It's amazing to me with all of these flavored vodkas that are out there how many different ways you can make a screwdriver!  You change the vodka with any number of different flavored vodkas and you have a brand new taste to your screwdriver.  You can shake it, you can stir it, you can serve it in any number of different shaped cocktail glasses and you've got a brand new cocktail each and every time.  I'm liking the creaminess to tonight's cocktail.  I got tonight's cocktail from Pinnacle.

Here is the recipe for a Orange Fluff:

  • 2 oz marshmallow vodka
  • 1 oz orange juice
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake it up well and strain it into your martini glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

I'm going to dedicate the fact that tonight's cocktail is yellow to the Oakland A's and their great come from behind win tonight!  Way to go Boys!!


The Cocktail Lady

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