The Drunken Maid

Day 79

The Drunken Maid
3.5 shots out of 5

I had previously made a cocktail called The Drunken Milkmaid which I had received from one of my readers, Kera.  I thought......hmmm, what if the Milkmaid was just a Maid?  So I decided to make the same cocktail, but with out the milk this time.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  These 4 ingredients do go well together, absolutely!  I must say though after trying the same cocktail but including the milk like in The Drunken Milkmaid, I know that the milk does make this cocktail taster that much better.  If you're not too big on milk and would rather have a cocktail with out it, then this version is worth a try.  Who knows, you might like it better.  Either way you try it, both are good cocktails.  Hope you are all enjoying my adventure with me!

Here's the recipe for The Drunken Maid:

  • 1/2 shot kahlua
  • 1/2 shot creme de cacao
  • 1/2 shot butterscotch schnapps
  • 1/2 shot amaretto
In a shaker add ice, kahlua, creme de cacao, butterscotch schnapps and amaretto.  Shake up all of your ingredients real well.  Strain into a martini glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to all of the drunken maids out there!  


The Cocktail Lady

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