Tequila Sunrise

Day 80

Tequila Sunrise
4 shots out of 5

Did you fall out of your seat?  You OK?  Yes, I did give a cocktail with tequila in it 4 shots out of 5........believe it or not!  Happy Cinco De Mayo and to celebrate I made a Tequila Sunrise.  Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5 (in case you are still in shock from the last time I said it, I put it here again).  I was pleasantly surprised that I liked this cocktail so much.  I do taste the tequila (it's kind of hard not to in most cocktails it's a part of) in this Tequila Sunrise, but it's not a bad taste.  It's not too strong of a flavor and quite enjoyable.  The orange juice is a nice mix with it too, I never in a million years would have thought of mixing the two on purpose, but here it is, and I like it!  It's odd to me the things I am beginning to like as I venture through this year of cocktails.  I'm curious to see what things I will like when the year comes to an end.

Here is the recipe for a Tequila Sunrise:

  • 1 1/2 shots of light tequila (meaning the white or clear tequila)
  • 3 shots of orange juice
  • 1 tsp of grenadine
In a cocktail glass (I used a brandy sniffer) fill it up 3/4 with crushed ice, add tequila and orange juice and stir them up real good.  Add your grenadine down the side of the glass.  Slowly your grenadine will begin to rise up and give your cocktail layers of red, orange and yellow.  If I would have waited a little bit longer to photograph mine you would have seen it a bit more......but I wanted to photograph it so that I could drink it.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to Cinco De Mayo.  For those of you who will be out and about celebrating tonight, be safe and enjoy your evening!


The Cocktail Lady

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