Oaty Malty Chocolaty Cookies

I am home sick today from the flu. It started with a mild sore throat on Saturday evening. Then yesterday morning, I woke up with a very sore throat and a bad headache. I was also feverish. The whole day, I felt drained, drowsy and tired. This morning it is the same. I would rather be well and at the office. There is a lot of work that needs to be cleared before the year end.

I baked these cookies on Saturday afternoon but could not put it up in time for the LTU-Oats event. But never mind, I can still share this cookie which is adapted from my previous bake, Malted Milk Chocolate Chip Cookies. One ingredient leftover from that bake is ho, ho, ho, Horlicks. I want to use it up before it gets cakey and mouldy. That was what happened to a packet of flour I bought to bake bread. Yeah, me and my bread ambitions. That project never took off :(

Chinese New Year is coming and I am very sure the cookie baking frenzy would soon begin in earnest. What? You started already? I know the auntie who sells cookies near my office is already geared up to take orders. A few years back, I bought a few canisters of cookies from her and I was quite appalled by the prices. Every year, her prices go up and I believe next year would be no exception.

I still have half a bag of baby rolled oats and I decided to incorporate it into the cookies. I simply rolled the cookie dough into the oats to make a coating. The cookie dough is very soft and sticky and very ideal as the oats stuck to it very easily.

When the cookies were freshly baked, the oats were so crunchy and I really loved the crispiness. But when they cooled down, they became chewy as expected. But they still tasted good. I have one more portion of Horlicks and baby rolled oats left for another batch of these cookies. I'll keep that for Chinese New Year!

Oaty Malty Chocolaty Cookies

- 250g butter

- 75g Brown Sugar
- 2 eggs
- 2 teaspoons Vanilla Extract
- 240g self-raising flour
- 80g Horlicks

- 1 cup Rice Krispies
- 200g semi-sweet chocolate chips

- Enough baby rolled oats to coat the cookies

Method :

1. Preheat oven to 160C.
2. Cream butter, then add sugar and cream until fluffy. Add eggs and beat, then add vanilla and beat until combined. Add Horlicks and beat until combined.
3. Add flour to the mixture and beat gently until just combined.
4. Add chocolate chips and Rice Krispies and stir in gently.
5. Drop by teaspoonfuls into rolled oats to coat. Place on a lined baking tray and use a fork to press the cookies dough slightly.

6. Bake for about 20 minutes.

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