My Sunday Chicken Salad.........Quest for Longevity?

How many of you read the obituaries? When you flip the papers do you skip that page or hover for awhile? Ah, I see a few hands. When I was much younger, the obituaries held no interest for me. I knew my mum read them and she still does. My brother once asked me, why do people read the obituaries? Here's my two cents worth :

1. Because it is there.
2. You might see someone you know and have the opportunity to send condolences.
3. When you see a dearly departed born the same year as you, it wakes you up to the reality that life is unpredictable and God can summon you at any time.
4.  In some instances, it gives you hope that you can live to 98, and in the process go on to have 2 or 3 wives and as a result have 10 children and scores of grand and great grandchildren.

At some point in my life (after 30 I think), I started to take an interest in the obituaries. It did not have much of an effect on me except on three occasions when I found an ex-classmate, an old childhood friend and an ex-colleague who went before their time. And now as I am approaching the big five-oh it sort of reminds me of my mortality. I don't mean to sound morbid but death is a certainty in life just like income taxes (I know of some individuals who would rather die than pay tax).

So let's cherish life and make our time on this earth meaningful. Appreciate and count our blessings and whenever possible spend as much time as we can with our family and tell them that we love them. I love you Ma! And in order to improve my chances of living longer, I have to eat healthy ergo this refreshing chicken salad on Sunday.

I used the pre-washed salad mix which has 12 types of leaves. It costs quite a bit at RM7.99 per pack but I find it worth the money spent as it saves time and you don't have to buy a few varieties of salad greens. So convenient! I only had to add some cucumbers, cherry tomatoes and alfalfa sprouts. I also added a few slices of orange for variety (which didn't work too well). And of course steamed chicken as my protein. Since I had a few lemons in the fridge, I made a dressing with lemon juice. The dressing has a vibrant taste and the Braggs Liquid Aminos does give it a certain something. You can use light soya sauce in place of the liquid aminos.

Lemon Vinaigarette
Recipe source : Phong Hong

Ingredients :
- Juice from 1/2 lemon
- 1 clove garlic, finely minced
- 1 tbsp red wine vinegar
- 1 tsp honey
- 1 tbsp Braggs Liquid Aminos (or light soya sauce)
- Black pepper to taste
- 1 tbsp olive oil

Method :
1. In a bowl, mix lemon juice, red wine vinegar, garlic, honey, salt and pepper.
2. Whisk in olive oil.
3. Taste and adjust seasoning.

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