Nutella Oatmeal Cookies

I ran out of oatmeal. Yah, yah, suddenly oatmeal is very "laku" (fast moving) in my house. I took a walk to 99 Speedmart and thought of getting Quaker Oats but I came across this Organic Baby Rolled Oats. It comes vacuum packed at 500g and cost RM7.90. Why not, I thought. Just give it a try.

And yes, I had cookies on my mind again and I know there are other stuff that one can do with oats. I am just waiting for the other LTU entries to learn a thing or two from my fellow bloggers. There is a nice Crispy Oatmeal Prawns in one of my cookbooks but I am done with all this deep frying business. No more I said after I saw how oily my stove was.

I have a few things to clear from my pantry. There are 2 big boxes of cornflakes stashed in my kitchen rack. That was the overenthusiastic me overstocking on cornflakes after my Chinese New Year cookie baking frenzy. But you see, my enthusiasm tends to wane rather quickly in the cookie department.

Who wants to stand for hours bent over a baking tray spooning cookie dough? I would rather sit on the couch and watch re-runs of Law & Order or Dexter. But it's oatmeal on LTU and for the moment all I know to do with oatmeal is cookies. And it is fun to participate in blog hop events.

The evening before, I grabbed my stack of printed recipes and spotted Oatmeal Nutella Cookies by Cathleen of A Taste of Madness. It seemed like madness to me to mix Nutella and oats. There must be many mad people out there because I googled scores of Nutella Oatmeal Cookies. But now that I have baked and tasted these cookies, I am convinced that it is a great idea. Not mad at all.

I have added another ingredient just to use up my over supply of cornflakes. And because Nutella is sweet, I have reduced the amount of sugar used. I am glad that I chanced upon this recipe because my Nutella was expiring soon. See, I have been on my best behavior for the Nutella to have remained untouched for so long. But that was before I baked these cookies. I just had to eat them and I couldn't stop.

This is not a meatball. It's cookies dough sprinkled with sea salt.

To make things a little bit more exciting, I sprinkled some sea salt on my second batch of cookies. And wow, what a difference it made. It does make your eyes pop when you get that burst of saltiness. And that eye popping sensation lead to a compulsive cookie munching frenzy. Not good. Not good at all. Who would have thought that a healthy ingredient like rolled oats could lead to this. Sigh........

Nutella Oatmeal Cookies
Recipe source : Adapted from A Taste of Madness

Ingredients :
- 250g butter
- 1/2 cup fine granulated sugar (if you have a sweet tooth you may increase the amount)
- 250g Nutella
- 2 eggs
- 300g self raising flour
- 2 cups rolled oats
- 2 cups cornflakes, crushed

Method :
1. Cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy.
2. Add Nutella and eggs and continue to mix the batter.
3. Fold in flour.
4. Add rolled oats, cornflakes and mix until fully incorporated.
5. Using two spoons, scoop cookie dough onto a lined baking tray.
6. Bake at 160C for 22 minutes or until brown and crispy.


This post is linked to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Vivian of Vivian Pang's Kitchen.

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