Pajeri Nenas Stail Kelantan (Kelantan Style Pineapple Pajeri)

As far as I know, Pajeri Nenas or Paceri Nenas is more of a curry like dish with spice paste. I have only eaten it once or twice. According to Azie, this Kelantan version is simple, very much like acar. I like this Kelantan version very much because it has none of the heavy oily spice paste. Instead, it is very simple and refreshing, and cuts through the oiliness of Nasi Minyak and other accompanying dishes. If you are wondering how come my pineapples are extra golden yellow, well, it is because I had a small accident while cooking. 

When it was time to add the 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder, I tried to be clever. Or rather I was too lazy to get a teaspoon. I decided to tip the turmeric powder into the wok direct from my glass bottle. And you guessed it, whoomph! About 1 tablespoon (or maybe more) fell onto my pineapples. You should see me in action trying to remove the excess turmeric powder. I should have known better than to pull a stunt like that. 

I managed to remove most of it but the damage was already done. Although the Pajeri Nenas turned out well, the turmeric smell was a bit overpowering.

When determining how much vinegar and sugar to use, taste your pineapples first. If it is on the sweet side, use more vinegar and less sugar and vice versa. In my case, the pineapple was sour so I reduced the vinegar and increased the sugar.

Pajeri Nenas Stail Kelantan 
Recipe source : Adapted from Azie Kitchen

Ingredients : 
- 1 pineapple (I used the ready peeled Crystal Pineapple, 230g)
- 1 big onion, sliced
- 2 cloves garlic, sliced
- 1 teaspoon mustard seeds
- 1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder
- 100ml distilled vinegar (adjust according to taste)
- 1 tablespoon sugar or to taste
- 1/2 teaspoon salt or to taste
- 1 red chilli, sliced (optional)
- Some water (I did not use any)

Method :
1. Cut pineapple into small pieces.
2. Heat some oil in wok and add mustard seeds until they pop.
3. Add sliced onions and garlic. Saute until onions are wilted.
3. Add a little bit of water, vinegar, sugar, salt and turmeric powder.
4. Bring to a boil and add pineapple and red chillies.
5. Bring to a simmer and adjust seasoning.
6. Dish out and serve.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Kelantan Month hosted by Gertrude of My Kitchen Snippets.

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