Mr. Robert Roy

Mr. Robert Roy
5 shots out of 5

I got inspired by my "adult version" of the Shirley Temple I made the other day, Surely Not Temple.  I decided to kick up the other childhood favorite, a Rob Roy, by adding some alcohol to it.  I did and named it Mr. Robert Roy (notice his "grown-up" name).  If I haven't already told you that we have figured out the cause of these fevers that last for-ever this is why........3 ear infections between 2 kids.  These poor kids........and they never told me that their ears hurt......ever!  I'm glad I took them to the doctors last week and figured it out.

I gave today's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  WOW, this is a good one!  It's funny how you can change up a classic non-alcoholic cocktail just a little and it becomes an amazing adult cocktail!  This cocktail sort of tastes like cherry coke but with a delicious vanilla kick.  I will definitely be finishing this one......right now.  If you are more of a coke and not diet coke person, you can absolutely substitute it in either way would be delicious!

Here is my recipe for a Mr. Robert Roy:

  • 1 1/2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 3 oz diet coke
  • 1/4 oz grenadine
In a cocktail glass filled 3/4 with ice, pour in all of your ingredients.  Stir and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to yet another awesome "adult version" of a childhood favorite!


The Cocktail Lady

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