Chocolate Muffins

Ever since I started baking, I have become a muffin snob. And I believe I am not alone. Let me share a little story with you. Some time last year (I always have old stories) I had a case of a muffin snack attack during a work day. I looked at my watch. It was a little over 2 hours before lunch. I couldn't wait to go to the bakery which was a short distance away from my office. And oh, it was chocolate muffins that was calling my name.

As I was walking to the bakery, I reminded myself that I have to be mindful of my diet. Muffins go straight to my belly and thighs. Somehow my digestive system has a direct portal to all the wrong places. I was in two minds as to whether I should give in to my craving or give it a miss. Right there and then a SYT (Sweet Young Thing) walked past me. She was stick thin. And I mean stick thin. "Mahdahm, surely you don't want to be that thin", the devil whispered into my ear. Straight away I walked into the bakery.

I was quite happy to pick up one chocolate muffin (RM3.50). Yes, just one thank you (a very rare thing thing indeed, I usually take two). I also picked up my usual "chap fan" (mixed rice) on my way back.

Back at the office, I was very eager to sink my teeth into the muffin. As I bit into the muffin and chewed, I froze. The muffin was fresh but it shall I say it......empty, disappointing, like something was missing. I mean, I used to like that muffin but somehow it's not the same anymore. Then I realized what had happened. These muffins were no match for my homemade ones. I mean really. "POM! POM! POM!...", that's my auntie telling me that I am blowing my own trumpet.

I took another bite and that was it. Into the bin it went. How's that for snobbery?

Chocolate Muffins
Recipe source : Adapted from Joy of Baking
Makes 12 regular sized muffins

Ingredients :
- 230grams self-raising flour
- 30grams unsweetened cocoa powder
- 170grams chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup brown sugar
- 113g unsalted butter, melted and cooled
- 2 large eggs
- 240ml buttermilk
- 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

Method :
1. Preheat oven to 160C
2. Line muffin pan with 12 paper liners
3. In a mixing bowl, sift the flour and cocoa powder together. Then stir to evenly mix and stir in the chocolate chips.
4. In another mixing bowl, mix brown sugar, butter, eggs, buttermilk and vanilla extract.
5. Using a spatula, fold the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and gently stir until just combined.
6. Using an ice-cream scoop, evenly fill the muffin liners.
7. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.

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