White Chocolate Raspberry Kiss

Day 363

White Chocolate Raspberry Kiss
4 shots out of 5

Tomorrow our oldest girl turns 4.  Thursday is Valentine's Day and Friday is the very last day (Day 366 thanks to Leap Year) of my year long challenge.  I knew I would make it, as I am NOT a quitter..........but I just didn't realize how quickly this year would go by.  I am kind of in shock that I am mere days away from the end.  I will not be tossing away this blog by any means, but with the extra time on my hands (total joke.......I have 4 kids) I do want to add extra things to my blog and maybe even change things around a little.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.   With Valentines Day vastly approaching, I decided to create a Valentine's cocktail.  I call it, White Chocolate Raspberry Kiss (before you ask, YES I could have made it longer, haha).  This cocktail is a bit strong and every 3 sips gives you a little bit of a vodka bite, but I like it.  I hope you like it too if you do decide to try it.  I hope you are all enjoying your Tuesday evening.......with a cocktail of course!

Here is my recipe for a White Chocolate Raspberry Kiss:

  • 1 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1 oz Godiva white chocolate liqueur
  • 1 oz Chambord
  • 1/2 oz white cream de cacao
  • white chocolate shavings
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above except for the white chocolate shavings.  Shake and strain into a white chocolate shavings rimmed martini glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here's to the 3 more days that remain of my year long challenge.  I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and blogging every single day for a year.  I'm proud of you for sticking with me too!!


The Cocktail Lady

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