Alien Nipple

Day 355

Alien Nipple
2 shots out of 5

We are down to one child with a fever.  I really hope she breaks it tonight and is all better in the morning.  These 6 day long fevers are something else I tell you.  If not the Zicam that I'm taking (when I remember), then it is most definitely the nightly cocktails that I am having that is keeping me well (knocks on wood).  Whatever the case may be, I am just glad that I have been healthy so that I can take care of my children when they are sick.

I gave tonight's (it's a late one tonight) cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  I found a picture of a few different "nipple" shooters on Pinterest and followed the pin to Hampton Roads Happy Hour.  I am not terribly thrilled about this shooter.  I know that butterscotch and Irish cream go well together and I figured the melon couldn't hurt....but it kinda did.  It kind of burned the back of my throat and gave me sort of instant heartburn (for a good few seconds there).  Lesson learned.

Here is the recipe for an Alien Nipple:

  • 1/2 oz butterscotch schnapps
  • 1/2 oz Baileys
  • 1/2 oz Midori
In a shot glass, pour in each ingredient and give it a quick stir.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to hoping our house gets rid of these germs soon and that yours doesn't get them at all!


The Cocktail Lady

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