Merry Christmas and Awards (Update)

This is an update to thank Alvin of Chef and Sommelier for nominating me for the Liebster Award. Thank you, Alvin! I did not do a new post because this auntie has no energy :(

Merry Christmas to all my friends and readers! The new year is just around the corner and my hope is that 2013 will bring  good things to all of us like good health, happiness, peace, strength, determination, hope and many more. Of course in our life, the not so good things will happen too. But with a good attitude, strength, resolve and faith, we should be able to overcome them.

Today, I would like to take the opportunity to thank my friends who have passed on to me the following awards :

To PTR. PunithaJessie and Amelia, thank you very much and this acknowledgment is long overdue as you guys passed on the awards to me in July and August 2012. 

And to mui mui, thank you very much, this is like a Christmas present for me :) To Alvin, thank you for the early New Year present hah! hah!

The reason I took so long to acknowledge the first 4 awards is because I am a low key person, not given to announcing achievements and such. But on the other hand, after much thought, I did not want my friends to get the impression that I did not appreciate their nomination. I am very much humbled and grateful for the thought and recognition. It means a lot to me. Once again, thank you from the bottom of my heart.

The awards require me to pass them on to a limited number of friends and it is hard for me to single out among my many sweet and talented friends. And some of my friends have made their blogs an award free zone. So, with much apologies, I am breaking the rules and passing out the awards to all my friends! That's right, breaking the rules just like how I like to meddle with other people's recipes hah! hah!

Having said that, I will fulfill the other requirements here. The Versatile Blogger Award requires me to state 7 things about myself. The ABC Award requires 26 things about me from A to Z and that's really a lot! I will only go for the 7, so here goes :

1. I can eat a regular pizza all by myself and still have room for dessert.
2. I love housekeeping, I find it relaxing.
3. My favorite cuisine  is Indian.
4. I don't like ironing.
5. When it comes to noodles, kueh teow and meehoon must be fried and mee is for soup.
6. I can put on 5lbs in one week (serious, no joke) and take forever to lose it.
7. I take my drinks cold, including my coffee for breakfast.

So there you have it, 7 things about Auntie Phong Hong.

And finally, for the Liebster Award, mui mui has set these questions for me and my answers are in red :

  • breakfast, lunch, dinner or supper. Dinner
  • strawberry or blueberry. Blueberry
  • seafood or poultry. Poultry
  • benefit most in blogging. Motivate me to try new recipes
  • your favourite drink. Ice cold water
  • your favourite cook book. Simply Sedap by Chef Wan
  • a recipe e-book or a recipe paper book. Recipe paper book
  • what is your  favourite dish for Christmas. Potato salad
  • what your all time favourite song. Allentown by Billy Joel
  • chinese food or japanese food. Japanese
  • what your choice of colour. Green

And my answers to Alvin's questions :

Cooking or Blogging? Cooking AND Blogging
Your favourite Chef/Restaurant? Chef Wan
Three favourite ingredients? Eggs, Onions and Garlic
Three ingredients that you would avoid? Any cheese other than cheddar, milk and shellfish
Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner? Dinner
Coffee or Tea? Coffee
Cakes or Cookies? Cakes
Butter or Olive Oil? Olive Oil
Red or White (Wine)? Red
Which three famous individuals would you invite to dinner (dead or alive)? Chef Wan, Chef Florence Tan and Chef Amy Beh
If you were to have your last meal, what would it be? Fried eggs with Terengganu kayciap

It has been fun blogging and getting to know my fellow bloggers. I have learnt a lot from all of you and  I wish you all a blessed and wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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