Eggs Baked in Avocado

A while back, Extra Virgin Chef posted an egg avocado dish called Avo-egg-cado. Being an egg lover, that caught my attention. Now, avocados are alien to me. I had never bought any before and my only exposure to avocado is guacamole. I had always thought avocados strange and was never motivated to try some until now.

If you have visited Extra Virgin Chef, you will appreciate that Luan is very sophisticated and her cooking style leans more towards western fine dining dishes. Check out her Duck Leg Confit Salad and you'll know what I am talking about. Thanks to her, this auntie from Kuala Terengganu is acquainted with this wonderful fruit.

So on my next supermarket trip (this was a few months back), I bought myself a box of avocados. There are 3 in a box and on the label it shows the 3 stages of ripening. The next morning I was pretty excited to cut the avocado just like how it is done on TV. Cut around the fruit, twist and the two halves come apart. Then strike the stone with a knife and twist it out. Simple enough.

My first attempt was a disaster. I used a large egg and all the whites spilled out. But in terms of taste, wow, I never knew avocados were so tasty. It was creamy and had a slight smoky flavour. And it went so well with the egg yolks.

First attempt. Not so pretty.

I posted the above photo on Facebook and Luan kindly advised me as follows :

1. Scrape off some avocado to create more space to contain one egg.
2. Crack egg in a separate bowl rather than directly onto the avocado. This way you can control how much of the whites to pour in.

I tried again but wanted to use the whole egg, so some whites spilled out onto my baking dish. I scraped off some avocado and just left it on the dish. I know Luan is shaking her head right now and going tsk, tsk, tsk....

I baked it in the oven at 180C for about 15 minutes. Before serving, I sprinkled some French sea salt (see Terengganu Auntie becoming more sophisticated) and cracked black pepper over the eggs.

Ok,ok, salt and pepper not evenly distributed. 
 And I proceed to scoop the egg and avocado. Oh, yummmy!

This is so, so good!
One down, one to go.
I am now an avocado fan and I'll be sure to grab a few boxes when I see them in season.

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