Salty Dog

Day 256

Salty Dog
4 shots out of 5

Game 4 is tonight.  If we win it we sweep the Tigers and I win my bet with my cousins!  It's funny because the whole post season has been a battle of the family.  My grandma is one of 9, so the whole family is spread out over the US.  Some of our family teams are the Giants, A's, Cardinals and Tigers.  All of them are post season teams and one by one they've all been eliminated except for the final two which are the Giants and Tigers.  If my Giants win, I have one if not two cousin who will be wearing Giants hats at our next family reunion!  

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  Did you fall on the floor?  Are you OK?  Yes, you read this right, I did give a cocktail that has gin in it a 4 shot rating.......not only that, gin is one of two ingredients in this one!  I have to tell you that I am NOT a fan of salted rimmed cocktail glasses. My margaritas are (I think the only ones) ordered with out salt every time I order them.  In the spirit of this cocktail (having "Salty" in the name and all) I did salt the rim and DID take a couple sips (on the one section that had the littlest amount of salt) of it with the salt as well.  The whole sipping part is not too's just that piece of salt that gets left behind in your mouth that you continuously keep licking trying to get rid of it.  I will be wiping the salt off the rim now to finish my cocktail.

Here is the recipe for a Salty Dog:

  • 1 oz gin
  • 2 oz grapefruit juice
  • lime wedge
  • cocktail salt
Rim a tall cocktail glass with your cocktail salt and fill it up with ice.  Pour in your gin and grapefruit juce and stir it up well.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to an exciting Game 4!


The Cocktail Lady

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