
Day 258

5 shots out of 5

Yes, I am still on a high from the World Series!  I remember when we won the World Series in 2010 I was pregnant with our fourth and my mom had told me that I was not allowed to go into labor until after the World Series was over.  My folks are the ones who watch our kids when we go to the hospital to have more kids (lol, that just sounded funny).  Luckily I didn't have her until Nov. 14th, so all was good.

I gave tonight's cocktail 5 shots out of 5.  A friend of mine, Kinsie, told me about this amazingly good cocktail that they order and love at a restaurant south of us.  It sounded pretty darn good to me, so I thought I'd give it a try.  Winner!!  Another cocktail that includes beer, like my Moon-a-rita.  This is a quick and simple cocktail to make.  Make sure you have your cocktail glass chilled ahead though, otherwise the beer won't taste too refreshing after a while.......unless you're planning on drinking it quickly, then you'll have no worries!  Yes, I did go "a little" over board on the salting of the rim on this glass....oh well.  It's very wipe-off-able.

Here is the recipe for a Chavela:

  • 1 Negra Modelo beer
  • 1 oz silver tequila
  • 1 lime wedge
In a big goblet sized glass wet the rim with your lime wedge and salt it.  Tilting your glass sideways pour in your beer, sqeeze all of the lime juice you can get out of the lime wedge (you can add more if you like more) and pour in your shot of tequila.  Give it a quick stir and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to local cocktail that include beer!


The Cocktail Lady

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