Bloody-Rimmed Martini

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Day 259

Bloody-Rimmed Martini
2 shots out of 5

It's Halloween!!  Finally the day that everyone (in this house at least) has been waiting for!!  All of the excitement of the last couple weeks has come down to this very day!  Happy Halloween to you all, I wish you all a fun and safe night!

I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  I found tonight's cocktail at this site.  What a cool looking cocktail!  I've made white cocktails before and have really liked them, like the Chi Chi so I was excited to make this one.  The red cake decorating drips make it look cool too.  Unfortunately this cocktail looks a lot better then it tastes.  I did "sort of" get a hint or two of the coconut flavoring of the cream of coconut, but the rest kind of tasted like milk.  I'm sad that it wasn't as good as I had hoped it would be.  Oh well, you win some you loose some.

Here is the recipe for a Bloody-Rimmed Martini:

  • 1 1/2 oz half & half (once again I didn't have any, so I made my own with half milk and half cream)
  • 1 oz coconut rum
  • 1/2 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1/2 oz cream of coconut
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake up your mixture real well and strain it into a martini glass.  If you want the blood effect, drip some cake decorating gel on the rim before you strain in your cocktail.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the main ingredients:

I hope you all get more treats then tricks tonight!


The Cocktail Lady

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