
Day 214

3.5 shots out of 5

I want to start out tonight by wishing my husband a VERY VERY Happy Birthday!  He told me what cocktail he wanted me to make on his birthday back in February when I started this blog and has been waiting patiently ever since.  I'll admit ever since he told me his cocktail back in February........I've been scared for the day to come when I actually had to make and try it.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  I guess my fears can be laid to rest, because I actually like this cocktail!  My oh my how my tastes have changed.  I can see why my husband likes this cocktail.  He enjoys a good cognac every so often and to mix a cognac into a cocktail is pure awesomeness for him.  My husband gave me tonight's cocktail recipe and I think he got the proportions right on the head with this one.  Each of these three ingredients works very well with the other, good job husband!!

Here is the recipe for a Sidecar:

  • 1 oz Cointreau 
  • 1 1/2 cognac
  • 1/2 lemon juice
In a cocktail shaker add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake them up well and strain your cocktail into a chilled short cocktail glass.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to my husband on his birthday!  May you have many many more wonderful birthday's to come!


The Cocktail Lady

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