Flowers and Herbs From My Garden

My home computer died on me last weekend, hence my silence.
This post was inspired by Quay Po's flowers  and Wendy's garden.  It was supposed to be posted earlier but was delayed because I wanted to take a picture of the neighbourhood cat. That cat never showed up and my stake out is over. And that cat ain't got no respect for my garden and leaves smelly "stuff" on my lawn. I have a pet name for it too. Yes, I call it "Bloody Fool".

My garden is small and has been work-in-progress for the last 10 years.  I enjoy and allow my plants to grow as freely as they do in the wild.  A sort of controlled chaos, if I may.  Manicured gardens are simply too clinical for me. However, as nature intended, chaos will be chaos, and after a time, my garden started to resemble a secondary jungle.  It made for a good landmark though.  Relatives giving directions to my home will tell you to drive straight after the junction and zero in on the mini jungle. Now, when your house becomes synonymous with jungle, you had better do something about it.  I am more diligent these days and my relatives keep getting lost.  Here's a sampling of the flora in my garden.

I have a small collection of flowers commonly known as Japanese Rose.

This is my multi-petal pink hibiscus. 

This is the red variety.

Single petal.

The yellow multi petal hibiscus.

These herbs come in handy when I'm in the mood for kerabu.


Daun Kesum.

Vietnamese Basil.

Local Basil (Kemangi)

Gardening is a very good hobby, relaxing and rewarding. It really keeps me happy!

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