Caribbean Queen

Day 220

Caribbean Queen
4.5 shots out of 5

Boy is it a hot one today!  This cocktail hits the spot on a hot day, and also puts the song "Dancing Queen" in my head......oh and you're welcome!  Today consisted of 2 soccer games (at different fields), 2 soccer team photos (at total different times) and a birthday party.  What a day......cocktail please!!  I got tonight's cocktail here from a site I've never discovered before.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4.5 shots out of 5.  A lot of these recipes I find tell me to add a "splash" of something, or they tell me to "fill the rest with____".  I like more exact answers, like when you bake something, you need to know if you're adding 1/4 cup of sugar, or if you're just "filling the rest with sugar".  Therefore I have decided that (and I know I've said this before....just couldn't remember in which post) that when a cocktail recipe asks for "a splash" of something, I put in 1/4 oz of it.  I have measured my "splashes" before and they always seem to equal 1/4 oz.  Now when a recipe asks me to "fill the rest with___" that's a little different.  I start with the bare minimum that "may" taste good and then sip, add more, sip, add more, etc., until I get the amount I like.  That's where I get those amounts from.  In case you were ever wondering or dying to know, your questions have now been answered!  Ha ha.  Oh, back to the cocktail, I encourage you to do the same thing I did with the OJ, you can even start with 2 1/2 oz and see if you like may be too bananaey for you, so just add some more OJ.

Here is the recipe for a Caribbean Queen:

  • 1 oz triple sec
  • 2 oz creme de banana
  • 2 1/2 oz orange juice
In a tall glass filled with crushed ice, add all of your ingredients.  Stir everything up well and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to busy Saturdays and cocktails to end them with!


The Cocktail Lady

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