Dark & Stormy

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Day 189

Dark & Stormy
2 shots out of 5

We've made it to the half way mark of the week, Wednesday.  So far this week has been non-stop and I know it will only continue that way for the rest of the week.  Time to try a bottle that I've had in my bar for some time now.

I gave tonight's cocktail 2 shots out of 5.  WOW.......ginger beer.  Hmmm, well I've actually been quite interested in how this would taste and I have a feeling that I'm not really going to like any of the cocktails I mix it in.  When I first sip this cocktail I taste the Dark Rum.  Then the ginger beer kicks in and I have to admit.......it TOTALLY stings and tingles my tongue......not in a good way.  I would never order this cocktail at a bar.  This cocktail is an exact example of the mistake I would make by ordering it at a bar and then refusing to waste money by not drinking it.  I would sit there and contemplate if drinking it really fast was better then spacing out my smaller sips.  I would make faces and not enjoy it at all.  Maybe less of an amount in a different cocktail that did not have Dark Rum in it would work better?  Who knows.  I got this recipe from Esquire.

Here is the recipe for a Dark & Stormy:

  • 2 oz Dark Rum
  • 3 oz Ginger Beer
  • 1/2 oz lime juice
In a taller cocktail glass, fill almost to the top with ice and add all of the ingredient above.  Stir it up and if you feel the need to put a little umbrella in your cocktail to protect it from it's "stormy" part, go ahead!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Well boo for my first experience with Ginger Beer, hopefully I'll find a good recipe for it before the "drink with in 3 days of opening" hits.


The Cocktail Lady

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