Blue Orchid

  • Blue OrchidDay 192Blue Orchid4.5 shots out of 5We made it to Saturday!  What a whirlwind week we just had.… Read More...
Day 192

Blue Orchid
4.5 shots out of 5

We made it to Saturday!  What a whirlwind week we just had.  Between doctors appts, dentist appts., back to school shopping, friend sleep overs, baseball, soccer and a birthday boy....phewph, I'm pooped!!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4.5 shots out of 5.  Way to go Hpnotic!  Another great cocktail!  This cocktail is OH SO needed after this week and I'm more then happy that I made a good cocktail to have tonight!  The Hpnotiq and vanilla vodka work quite well together, I'm impressed.  The orange juice adds a nice little citrusey flavor to it as well.  This is a good addition to the Roq Candy Martini I made on Monday!  Both of these cocktails are winners in my book!

Here is the recipe for a Blue Orchid:

  • 2 oz Hpnotiq
  • 1 oz vanilla vodka
  • 1/4 oz orange juice
In a shaker add ice and all ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy!!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Thank You once again Hpnotiq for a fabulous cocktail!!


The Cocktail Lady

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