Bad Habit

Day 168

Bad Habit
3 shots out of 5

WOW am I soar!  Welcome back to the world of softball!  Ouch!  We did win 21-12 though, so that's a good thing!  Our team is sponsored by a local Irish Pub, so guess where we go after every game!!  Not sure if I look more forward to the game or the beers afterwords........haha.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5.  Now that I've had some good shooters.......shooters that do NOT make my face look like I just sucked 10 lemons, I never want to go back to the ones that do EVER again!  Tonight's cocktail does make me have the squinched up face.....a little bit.  It's not horrid, it doesn't make me run away, but it does have a bit of a bite to it.  The peach schnapps helps mask the vodka a good amount I'll admit.......just wish it did it a little bit more.

Here is the recipe for a Bad Habit:

  • 1/2 shot vodka
  • 1/2 shot peach schnapps
In a shot glass, pour your vodka first and then your peach schnapps.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to the week being half over!


The Cocktail Lady

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