Raspberry Truffle

Day 159

Raspberry Truffle
3.5 shots out of 5

Monday.  Yes I said it, the "M" word.  It marks yet another week of cocktails.  I know I've said it before, but when I sit back and think about it, I CAN NOT believe that I have found/received, made, tried and blogged about 159 cocktails!!  Plus the fact that there are SOOOO MANY more out there for me to try.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3.5 shots out of 5.  I received tonight's cocktail from Sandi.  Sandi wanted to invent a cocktail that tasted like some of her favorite ice creams, so she invented the Raspberry Truffle.  She gave me a few options on the vodka, so I went with the Raspberry Vodka.  This is a yummy cocktail!  I first strained it into a martini glass and it warmed up quickly and didn't taste as good as I knew it should.  Then I poured that into the glass below with some ice, stirred it up and it tasted a lot better.  This is a nice creamy cocktail that goes down smooth.  It's been husband and Stephanie (The Crockpot Lady) approved as well!

Here is the recipe for a Raspberry Truffle:

  • 2 oz Irish cream
  • 2 oz black raspberry liqueur
  • 1 oz raspberry vodka
  • 1/4 oz chocolate syrup
In a shaker add ice and all ingredients above.  Shake it up real well and strain it into a cocktail glass filled with ice.  This will strain slow due to the Irish cream and chocolate syrup, so be patient........or not like I was and shake the hell out of it while it's straining.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Thank You Sandi for a quite yummy cocktail!  That was a great way to start of another week of cocktails!


The Cocktail Lady

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