Blue Lagoon
2.5 shots out of 5
Holy Insanely Hot Day! We took our two girls (3 and 1) to Happy Hollow today (an amusement park/zoo for little ones). It was a GREAT day and everyone really enjoyed themselves......only problem was the fact that it was 91 degrees out and the little ones were totally done by the end......or is that a bad thing?
I gave tonight's cocktail 2.5 shots out of 5. Another blue cocktail! Yeay! But that's where the "yeay" ends. I needed to find a blended cocktail because it's too hot to think of a martini right now, so I found this cocktail here. Wasn't feeling like vodka today, but gave it a shot anyways. I can totally taste the vodka. The pineapple juice does mask it a bit and the blue curacao....well it adds a nice color. The vodka is a bit much for me, so I'm not terribly enjoying this cocktail all that much. Oh well. Sometimes blue cocktails are fun.......sometimes they're not, so is life. If you have a favorite cocktail that you would like me to try, please email it to me! I love hearing from you all and receiving cocktail recipes from you as well!
Here is the recipe for a Blue Lagoon:
- 1 oz vodka
- 1 oz pineapple juice
- 1/2 oz blue curacao
In a blender add 3/4 cup of ice (I used 1 cup and it came out a bit thick) and all of the ingredients above. Blend up your cocktail until the ice is gone, pour and enjoy.
Here is a photo of the end result:
Here is a photo of the ingredients:
Here's to family and enjoying your little ones!
The Cocktail Lady
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