Pickled Green Chillies

Do you like pickled green chillies ? My Mum, Aunt and I are notorius when we dine at Chinese Restaurants. We will practically deplete the restaurant of their pickled green chillies. Every half an hour or so, my Aunt would holler "Hello, excuse me, can we have some more green chillies ?"

This condiment is my second favourite after sambal belacan. It is incredibly easy to make.

Pickled Green Chillies :

1. Green Chillies
2. Garlic (optional, minced)
3. Rice vinegar
4. Sugar and salt to taste

Method :

1. Slice green chillies.
2. Mince garlic if using.
3. Put green chillies into a bottle together with garlic.
4. Put vinegar in a saucepan together with sugar and salt. Stir to dissolve sugar and salt. Taste and adjust if necessary.
5. Bring to a boil and pour vinegar into bottle.
6. Leave to cool before storing in refridgerator.

The amount of green chillies is up to you. The volume of vinegar would be half the volume of the bottle your are using to store the chillies. And your vinegar mixture must have a balance of sweet, sour and salty.

Slice the green chillies.
Place chillies and garlic in a bottle.

Bring vinegar to a boil.

Pour boiling vinegar into bottle and leave to cool.
After a while the color changes.

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