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Day 89

4 shots out of 5

As some of you may know, on May 4th MCA (Adam Yauch) from the Beastie Boys passed away. I enjoyed listening to their music growing up and some of their songs bring back some good memories for me.  One of my readers had sent me her and her husbands very own cocktail creation that they enjoy drinking and wanted to name it the MCA, in honor of Adam.  Thank You Jackie & David for this VERY yummy cocktail!!

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  (My husband said he gives it 4.5)  This cocktail is very refreshing and very good.  It's definitely another refreshing summer cocktail like the Back Porch Breeze or the Leeches.  The flavor in this cocktail is like none I have ever tasted before.  It's the spiced rum in it that I believe gives it that unique taste.  This is definitely a cocktail that I will be making again, if not just for me, I am sure that my husband will be requesting it as well.  Thank You again Jackie & David for sharing your amazing creation with me and for honoring MCA by naming it after him!

Here is the recipe for the MCA:

  • 1/2 shot spiced rum
  • 1/2 shot triple sec
  • 1/2 shot amaretto
  • 1/2 shot sweet & sour mix (the original recipe called for Tom Collins mix, which I haven't been able to purchase, but looking online it seems to be more or less the same as sweet & sour mix, therefore I used it instead)
  • 1 shot orange juice
  • 1 shot sprite
In a shaker add ice, spiced rum, triple sec, amaretto, sweet & sour mix and orange juice.  Shake everything up real well.  Strain cocktail into a tall glass that is filled with ice.  Pour in your sprite and give it a good stir.  Put in your Beastie Boys CD, sit back and enjoy your cocktail (rocking out to the music of course).

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to you MCA, thank you for all of the great music!


The Cocktail Lady

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