Jelly Doughnut

Day 78

Jelly Doughnut
3 shots out of 5

I noticed that I did not have any cocktails that started with the letter "J" yet.  I opened my book and saw the name and had to give it a try!  Tonight's cocktail is Jelly Doughnut.  I have to admit, I'm not a fan of doughnuts (insert gasps here).  I do however like the mini chocolate and powdered Entenmann's Doughnuts.  But that's as far as my doughnut liking goes.......sorry.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5 (it had nothing to do with the word "doughnut" in the title either).  This cocktail definitely (side note: I still can not for the life of me spell the word "definitely" right, I always get that red squiggly line underneath it and need to correct it tastes like Irish Cream with a little bit of the black raspberry flavoring in it.  I can taste the Chambord, but it's just not as noticeable as I would have hoped it would be.  That being said, if you do like Irish Cream, I believe you will enjoy tonight's cocktail.  I will definitely (checked the way I spelled it in the other sentence) finish this one though!

Here is the recipe for Jelly Doughnut:

  • 1 1/2 shots Irish Cream
  • 1/2 shot Chambord
In a short cocktail glass, fill with ice and add your Irish Cream and Chambord.  Stir it up good to distribute the Chambord flavor throughout the cocktail and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Cheers to The Cocktail Lady liking a "version" of a doughnut that is not Enternmanns!


The Cocktail Lady

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