As the wise man once said, a video food blogger has to know his limitations. I had planned on doing a flag cake demo for the 4th of July, but since I've never made one before, I decided to do some pre-shoot research.
I figured I would watch a few clips to see how others have approached the subject. Once convinced I could do a better, funnier job, I would head into the kitchen and roll camera.
Well, after seeing this concise, clear, and easy to follow flag cake video from my friends at Howcast, I decided to just post this instead. Being a true patriot means putting your country ahead of your own selfish interests… and I'm kind of busy.
Anyway, have a happy and healthy 4th of July weekend, and (since I can’t say it at the end of the video) as always, enjoy!
Photo (c) Flickr user BL1961
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