Apple Pie & Coffee

We are well into November now.  It is only the 5th you say?  Oh well don't blink because tomorrow will be the 20th the way my calendar seems to fly by!  I always say that once Halloween is here, the year is over.  I may as well start planning for New Years.  I am a busy mom of four.......but I am aware that when my kids are grown and out of the house, the time between Halloween and New Years will be slower then I embrace these crazy insane last few months of the year to the fullest.

I was at my local Target yesterday and I found something new!  Fulton's now makes Apple Pie Liqueur.  Since their Pumpkin Pie Liqueur is AH-MAZE-ING, I thought I would give the Apple Pie Liqueur a try (not a huge apple pie fan, but hey that's what I said about gin right?).  I searched online and only found pictures of the bottle along with 2 recipes........2!  Well that allows me to be one of the very first to post some of my own recipes online, yeawhoo!

This liqueur is creamy just like their pumpkin pie version which is nice.  Not being a huge apple pie fan, I have to admit this cocktail is pretty darn good.  This bottle sells somewhere around $10 each, so for that price I figure I can make a good amount of cocktails using it.  If you are an apple pie fan I suggest you buy a bottle and try it along with me!

Here is my recipe for Apple Pie & Coffee:

  • 1 1/2 ounces whipped cream vodka
  • 1 ounce apple pie liqueur
  • 3/4 ouce Kahlua
In a shaker, add ice and all of the ingredients above.  Shake and strain into a cocktail glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here is to my very first cocktail with Fulton's Apple Pie Liqueur.


The Cocktail Lady

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