Detoxification My Way - Day 2 : Flowers From My Garden

Today is Hari Raya and I would like to wish all my Muslim friends Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri! May you have a blessed Hari Raya with your family and friends.

It is day two of my detox and I am not exactly feeling perky. I attribute this to healing reaction. As toxins are being purged from my system, some of it are still in my bloodstream and making me feel a bit sluggish.

As part of my rest and relaxation, this morning I did a spot of gardening and let me show you some of the plants that are growing.

My dad brought this Hibiscus all the way from Kuala Terengganu and it is now growing very well.

A Hibiscus flower bud. Sometimes they fall off before blooming. Is this due to lack of nutrients?
Pretty isn't it?

Another variety of Hibiscus. This plant came as pruned branch which I dragged all the way from the roadside back to my house.

This is the very fragrant Bunga Melor. Its formation is deformed and I don't know why.

This Vietnamese Basil became very lush after I applied compost.

More Basil!
A garden pest. Loves to nibble of my Hisbiscus buds.
These Sweet Basil were in my fridge for 2 weeks and I tried my luck planting them.

One week later, I was delighted to see new shoots growing.
Three weeks later. Some didn't make it.
This morning :) It is things like this that give me such joy!

Does anybody know what are these yucky creatures? They ate my Zinnia seedlings. On rainy days they can even creep up my Hibiscus plant. 
My dying curry plant a few months ago.  Rescued after reading Joyce's gardening blog. I cut off all the leaves and hoped for the best.
New shoots growing.
Doing very well now!
My pink Hibiscus.
Another one.
Mint. Very important ingredient when making kerabu.
Another beauty.
I also cleaned my kitchen today. There's nothing I love more than a squeaky clean kitchen. Especially the floor.

And my meal for today is a roasted chicken salad. Will share the recipe later.

For the rest of today, I will be visiting my friends' blogs to catch up on what they are up to. I will be back tomorrow with a ghost story. See ya!

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