Pineapple Vanilla Martini

OK, so yes it's been a while.  But I swear I have been busy.......insanely busy to be exact!  Wait a minute, I thought summer was supposed to be the relaxing time of the year?  On a good note, we got tickets to Monday's Giants game and Tuesday's double header as well.  Three Giants games in two days?  Not bad if I do say so myself.....and I do.

Besides attending three baseball games, one of my best friends is coming up tomorrow and then we are going out to dinner with a couple old friends that I talked about here.  I am really looking forward to tomorrow night.  Then we have a bunch of thing to do to get ready for our oldest's graduation party.  OK, I'm exhausted just typing all that out, good thing I made myself a new cocktail.

I gave this cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  I created this cocktail by simply thinking, what have I not used in a while?  Pineapple juice (or at least I don't remember using it in a while).  Vanilla vodka and pineapple just are great together.  Adding the Chambord on the bottom was a nice twist.  I did not stir in the Chambord, but next time I think I will to see how that tastes as well.  All in all, it was a good cocktail to make after not making once since my last post (I hear your gasps, yes I have not made one since my X-Rated Sunrise).

Here is my recipe for a Pineapple Vanilla Martini:

  • 1 ounce vanilla vodka
  • 1 ounce pineapple juice
  • 1/2 ounce Chambord
In a shaker, add ice, vanilla vodka and pineapple juice.  Shake and strain into a martini glass.  Pour your Chambord down the side of your glass and enjoy!

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to a hot hot day here and a cocktail to break up my week!


The Cocktail Lady

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