Kari Kapitan (MFF Penang)

My mum loves this curry and so do I. As a matter of fact everyone in my family loves this curry. It is fragrant and oh so delicious! If you have leftovers and keep it for the next day, it will taste even better.

I have already posted this recipe here but since this is Penang month on MFF, I have decided to cook Kari Kapitan again because............. I want to eat! It is a good excuse isn't it?

I have always used Ms Amy Beh's recipe whenever I cook Kari Kapitan and just for additional reference, I looked up the recipe in Nonya Flavours. I noted that galangal and kafir lime leaves are added. I usually add kafir limes leaves to the curry even though it is not in Ms Amy Beh's recipe and this came as a pleasant surprise. Looks like I was doing the right thing. Not being a fan of galangal, I stuck to my usual recipe. Besides, the recipe in Nonya flavours requires the chicken to be marinated with turmeric and salt and deep fried. Not my favorite thing to do.

This curry should be thick and I like to add more shallots than what the recipe calls for. I also don't add too much water because quite a bit of liquid comes out from the chicken. 

This curry is great with rice. Makes sure there is plenty of gravy to go around for everyone to scoop onto their rice. If you have not already tried Kari Kapitan, do try it and I believe it will become one of your favorite curries.

Kari Kapitan (adapted from At Home with Amy Beh)

Ingredients :
- 4 chicken legs cut into 8 pieces
- 1 packet santan (200ml)
- salt and sugar to taste
- lime juice from one lime
- oil for frying

Spice Paste Ingredients :
- 4 dried chillies, soaked
- 4 fresh chillies
- 20 shallots
- 5 cloves garlic
- 3 stalks lemongrass
- 1 inch tumeric
- 5 candlenuts (buah keras)
- 1 heaped tablespoon belacan granules

Method :
1. Blend spice paste ingredients.

2. Heat oil  in a wok and saute spice paste until aromatic and oil rises on top. If you find the spice paste is too dry, add a bit of coconut milk.

3. Add chicken and mix until chicken is covered with spice paste.

4. Pour coconut milk into the wok and simmer over low fire until chicken is cooked and tender

5. Taste and add sugar and salt to taste.

6. Serve with white rice, roti jala or bread.

Note : I did not dilute the santan because from experience, the chicken will bleed water. I want my curry to be thick and not runny.

I am submitting this post to Malaysian Food Fest Penang Month hosted by Alan of Travellingfoodies.

I am also linking this post to the event, Little Thumbs Up organised by Zoe of Bake for Happy Kids and Doreen of My Little Favourite DIY and hosted by Ms B of Everybody Eats Well in Flanders.

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