Big Bird

Day 232

Big Bird
3 shots out of 5

OK, first off, I did not watch the Presidential Debate last night.  Secondly, I am/will not talk politics on my blog.  I simply think it's pretty darn funny that a comment from one of our Presidential candidates had the media world going crazy saying how he was going to Fire Big Bird if he came into office.  That being said, I dedicate tonight's cocktail to Big Bird in hopes that he lives on Sesame Street for years to come.  I hope that when the day comes that I have grandchildren,  they too will be able to watch and know who Big Bird is.

I gave tonight's cocktail 3 shots out of 5.  This cocktail is OK.  No huge amazing flavor.  It's not a horrible cocktail, but not one that jumps out at you in the flavor department saying "You'll never forget about me!!  I'm the best around!".  This is a simple cocktail to make and an easy one to drink.  I'm glad I tried it.

Here is the recipe for a Big Bird:

  • 1oz banana schnapps
  • 2 1/2 oz pineapple juice
  • 2 1/2 oz orange juice
In a cocktail glass (it's supposed to be a short cocktail glass.......but I thought I'd go tall to honor Big Bird himself), add crushed ice 3/4 of the way up.  Pour in the three ingredients above and stir it up well.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Tonight's cocktail is brought to you by the letter B and the number 12.


The Cocktail Lady

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