Melon Ball

Day 87

Melon Ball
4 shots out of 5

I am thinking that these cocktails with the greenish tinge to them are becoming pretty darn good!  Like my Ninja Turtle and even my Alien Urine Sample which have either mostly green or a good amount of it inside, they seem to be some of my favorite cocktails so far.

I gave tonight's cocktail 4 shots out of 5.  I really do enjoy the melon liqueur in my cocktails.  I have always enjoyed orange juice (pulp free.......must be pulp free) in my cocktails as well.  The color of this cocktail to me looks like a honeydew melon that ran onto a green highlighter.  It's a little bright and green, but pretty darn yummy!  This is a cocktail that I would definitely make again.  It is a very simple cocktail to make as well, which I like a lot.  Oh and my husband likes this one too!  I have promised him that when I'm done typing tonight's blog that he will get the rest of whatever I haven't finished......lucky him!

Here is the recipe for Melon Ball:

  • 1 shot vodka
  • 1 shot melon liqueur
  • 2 1/2 shots orange juice
Fill a tall glass with ice, add your vodka, melon liqueur and orange juice.  Dump it all into your shaker and shake it like crazy!  Dump it all back into your glass and enjoy!

  Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Here's to green cocktails!  May they all be as good as the the 3 I've talked about tonight!!


The Cocktail Lady

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