Abbey Road

Day 84

Abbey Road
2.5 shots out of 5

Happy Wednesday!  It was such a nice night out that we all (yes all 6 of us) walked (except for the 1 year old who was pushed in her stroller) downtown to have some dinner.  My husband and I made sure that we made it  before Happy Hour was over (literally made it with 7 minutes to spare!).  Had some good Japanese food, beer and sake.

Back home and ready for tonight's cocktail.  I gave tonight's cocktail 2.5 shots out of 5.  It wasn't quite a 3 in my book.......could have been a little higher then a 2.5, but just not quite a 3.  The three flavors are pretty good together.  I can distinctly taste each one when I sip this cocktail, which is nice because none of them get washed out by the other......I guess it's just that......even though they went well together....they just didn't go well enough together for me to get excited about this cocktail.

Here is the recipe for Abbey Road:

  • 1 shot amaretto
  • 1 shot Chambord
  • 1 shot coffee liqueur
In a short cocktail glass, fill with ice, amaretto, chambord and coffee liqueur.  Stir up the cocktail so that all ingredients are mixed well.

Here is a photo of the end result:

Here is a photo of the ingredients:

Not entirely sure that I'm going to finish this entire cocktail, but I'm glad I gave it a shot......or 2.5 (total Cocktail Lady humor right there).


The Cocktail Lady

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